본문으로 바로가기

A space for creative, cultural,
and educational communication with modern art

Children’s Museum

Opening hours

Tuesday - Sunday (Closed on Monday) 10:00 ~ 18:00 ※ Closed: Jan. 1, Monday

Read Notice
©Seungmin Woo


기획전시, 공공기획전시, 할인대상, 무료대상 구분으로 관람료 책정 기준 항목으로 구성된 관람정보 리스트 입니다.
Seperation Admission Remark
Temporary exhibition & Public exhibition
  • Admission fees may vary depending on the exhibition. For more information, please see respective exhibition webpage.
  • Last Wednesday of every month is the Culture Day and you can get a free ticket.
Discount Partner
  • - 20% OFF for an Asiana Airlines Club Silver card holder (Membership card must be presented)
  • - 20% OFF for a Multiple Children Family card holder
Free Admission General public
  • - Individual under 24 or over 65
  • - Undergraduate student
  • - National merit & independence activist and his or her family members (Certificate must be presented)
  • - Righteously wounded and his or her companion
  • - Family members of the righteously deceased
  • - Person with disabilities and his or her companion
  • - Culture Voucher card holder
  • - Museum donor (Cardholder and his or her family members)
  • - Museum or art gallery curatorial certificate holder (certificate must be presented)
  • - ART PASS holder
  • - ICOM (International Council of Museums) card holder
  • - CIMAM (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art) card holder
  • - Patron/Partner card holder
  • - School-Based Anti-Violence Program (Guardian ON-nuri) certificate holder
※ TEL: +82-2-2188-6000
※ ID or valid document must be presented at the admission booth.
  • - Asiana Airlines Club Gold (or higher) card holder (Membership card must be presented)


To help children to comprehend the openness and diversity of modern art, allowing them to have a bigger world

To foster children to accept differences in others and understand and care about them

To lead children to recognize diversity and discover themselves within that diversity

To encourage children to express themselves in creative ways and help them build their own worldview

To cultivate children who create new global values rooted in Korean values

To guide children to translate their everyday experience into artistic languages, bringing them to have new expectations and new perspectives

Museum Etiquette

©Seungmin Woo
  • We talk softly and don't make loud voice.
  • We don't carry foods or beverages.
  • We don’t use flashlights
  • We don’t touch artworks.
©Seungmin Woo
Appreciation of artworks
  • There is no right or wrong in modern art.
  • Try to appreciate artworks on your own prior to read descriptions or explanation.
  • Pay extra attention to artworks at the time.
  • Use your imagination to communicate with artworks.

Floor guide

어린이 미술관에 입장하시면, 바로 앞 공간으로 들어가면, 가족라운지&체험공간과 서물함, 유아차 주차공간이 있습니다. 안쪽은 자원봉사실룸이 있습니다. 다시 밖으로 나와 오른쪽 어린이미술관전시실쪽으로 이동을 하면, 정면에 홍승혜 전시실이 있으며, 조금 더 앞으로 가면 그림책 쉼터가 있습니다. 홍승혜 전시실 왼편으로 이동을 하여 오른쪽으로는 하면 앤드워홀, 홍승혜, 서세옥 전시룸이 있습니다. 왼쪽으로는 최호철, 김유선, 김지수 전시룸이 있습니다. 김지수 전시실 맞은편으로 리사박과 이미주 전시룸이 있습니다. 이미주 전시실을 지나 안쪽으로 이동하면, 화장실, 수유실, 도시락쉼터가 있습니다.

어린이미술관에 있는 시설안내로 앤드워홀, 홍승혜, 서세옥, 이미주, 리사박, 최호철, 김유선, 김지수 전시룸에 대한 위치 안내를 하고 있습니다.